Our Vision
Our longstanding vision for the redevelopment of Saxonvale is to deliver a thriving mixed-use community within Frome, with sustainable buildings, creating community managed spaces that add vitality, using sustainable high quality materials, enhancing habitats and encouraging social interaction and play.
Delivering 64,000 sq ft of commercial space including a co-working office scheme of 25,000 sq ft as well as incubator office space, community buildings, restaurants, cafes and shops and live/work properties.
A mixed-use community including 72 affordable homes, a riverside park, play area and pedestrian footbridge.
New pedestrian routes and cycle paths opening up access to the town centre and beyond.
High-quality zero carbon buildings, that exceed building regs, widely recognised as the future for housing.
Flexible designed spaces designed to offer work from home options, in a variety of sizes.
Community managed streets with discreet car parking, car club spaces, electric charging points and bike storage.
New habitats for birds, hedgehogs, bees and bats along with enhanced biodiversity, with opportunities to open up the river edge, offering a place to play and learn.
Retained heritage assets including the Western warehouse and the Town Wall.
Sustainable drainage and infiltration systems to improve water quality. Drinking fountains installed within public realm.